Homemade men and women’s sexy lingerie set pictures

Homemade men and women's sexy lingerie set pictures


As a dress that can increase sexual interest and add sex, sexy underwear is welcomed by men and women.However, the sexy lingerie style on the market is full of dangers, and it is difficult to find the one that suits you.Therefore, self -made men’s and women’s sexy underwear sets have become a new trend.

Choose from

In terms of material selection, we must choose good quality materials, such as cotton, silk, etc., to avoid using too cheap inferior materials to avoid harming the body and skin.

Style selection

Sexy Mankini – 7199

The style can be selected according to your own preferences and needs, you can design yourself according to the color and style of your personal habits, or you can find inspiration and tutorials online.

Tailor -made

Tailoring is very critical, because everyone’s body is different, and it needs to be adjusted according to their actual situation to ensure suitable and comfortable.


During the production process, you need to pay attention to details, such as the sewing site, the processing of the line head, etc. These will have an important impact on the beauty and comfort of the underwear.


The matching of underwear is equally important. You can consider matching suitable earrings, necklaces, high heels, etc. to make yourself more sexy and charming.

design style

The design style can refer to the existing sexy lingerie style. It can also be created according to its own aesthetics, make unique changes in the style, and increase personality.


Safety and hygiene

During the production process, you must pay attention to hygiene and safety. The disinfection and cleaning of materials need to be handled carefully. Especially when using chemical materials, pay attention to protective measures to avoid damage to the body.

Share and exchange

After the production is completed, you can share and communicate with friends, get more suggestions and opinions, or participate in the sex underwear production training courses to learn more skills and experience.

in conclusion

Self -made men and women’s sexy underwear suits can not only meet personal needs and taste, but also increase DIY fun and creative sense of accomplishment.During the production process, you need to pay attention to details and safety and health, and share and communicate with friends in order to continuously improve your skills and level.