Where can I look at the evaluation of sexy underwear

Where can I look at the evaluation of sexy underwear

When selecting sexy underwear, many people pay special attention to its quality and effect.So, where can I look at the evaluation of sexy underwear?In this article, I will introduce to you several methods to view sex underwear evaluation.

1. Pay close attention to the e -commerce platform

Now people’s online shopping is already called a habit.There are many sexy underwear products on e -commerce platforms such as Taobao, Tmall, and JD.com, and support user evaluation.When buying sexy underwear on these platforms, you can read the evaluation area at the bottom of the product page. Most users will leave their own evaluation of their products here.

2. social network

At present, many sexy underwear brands have their own social media accounts, such as Weibo, WeChat public account, and vibrato.Learn about the relevant content of the affection underwear brand through social media, including customer evaluation, brand history, product after -sales service, and promotional discounts.Sometimes these social media accounts will launch some activities, you can try to shop with these activities, and you can also get some discounts.

3. Forum

There are many discussion of sexy underwear in the forum, including product advantages and disadvantages, brand reputation, and after -sales service.Some forum sites have been established for a long time, and a large number of positive users are gathered.For example, stations such as open -air markets and honey buds are good choices.

4. Pay attention to social shopping apps

Many shopping apps now make themselves into social platforms, either embedded in social modules, or share products from friends.Check the evaluation of the sexy underwear purchased by other users by shopping apps, and can also be used to get rebates.The more popular shopping apps include Pinduoduo, Jumei Youpin, Youzan and so on.

5. Go to the offline store to taste

If you have sufficient time and funds to decide to buy a sexy underwear early, you can also go to the physical store to take sampling.For example, Hengyuanxiang, Soho Secrets and other stores, these sexy lingerie stores are complicated, and consumers can go to the store to see the styles and quality before shopping. If you are satisfied, place an order.

6. Recommended system

The recommendation system is a purchase suggestion based on big data analysis.On the shopping e -commerce platforms such as JD.com, Amazon, Taobao and other websites, users can see similar and related product recommendations when browsing products.Through recommendations, users can not only see other users’ evaluation of sexy underwear, but also understand the situation of purchasing suggestions and other brands.

7. Communication and consultation

If you have any questions, you can consult the brand customer service directly.In addition to the e -commerce platform, the official website of major brands will also have contact information for customer service and after -sales service.Brand customer service can answer various questions of users, including product quality and usage methods, after -sales service, etc.

8. Refer to the product pictures given by other buyers

In addition, if you want to solve the effect of affectionate underwear, you can look at the pictures uploaded by other users.You can view the real shopping shows uploaded by other buyers in communities such as e -commerce platforms, social media, forums.Take a look at the effects and details of sexy underwear under the real figure.


All in all, the methods of understanding the evaluation of love underwear are diverse, including viewing e -commerce platforms, social networks, forums, and inquiry brand customer service.Regardless of these methods or going to physical stores, you need to make full preparation to avoid regrets.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com