Wearing a sexy underwear in the kitchen as a male man

Wearing a sexy underwear in the kitchen as a male man

For many people, having sex in the kitchen is a very exciting experience, especially when wearing sexual erotic lingerie, which can increase the atmosphere of interest.If you want to try male and men’s relationships in the kitchen and wear sexy underwear, then this article will provide you with some useful suggestions and skills to ensure that your experience is smooth and safe.

1. Choose the appropriate sexy underwear

It is important to choose a sexy underwear suitable for you.You need to ensure that the underwear you wear is comfortable and sexy.Select sexy underwear with good quality, good breathability, and high comfort, so as to ensure that it is not disturbed during the operation.

2. Be prepared before doing sex in the kitchen

Before starting, you must make sure to complete some necessary preparations before you have sex.Make sure your kitchen is flat and clean.Clean up all the messy items on the kitchen platform so that you do not have extra troubles in the operation.At the same time, you can also place some necessary contraceptive measures near the kitchen to ensure your safety.

3. Select a comfortable position

It is important to choose a comfortable and secure position when having sex in the kitchen.You can choose to do it on the kitchen table or floor.No matter what kind of location, you must ensure that the location is stable to avoid any danger.

4. Use food to increase interest

Some people like to use some foods in the kitchen to increase sexual interest.For example, add some chocolate, cream or other small desserts to your sex games, which can not only increase interest, but also create a very romantic and comfortable environment.

5. Remember to use lubricant

Flexible use of lubricants is the key to ensuring the smooth progress of kitchen.The lubricant can help you more comfortable and more pleasant male love, and it can also greatly reduce the risk of injury.Therefore, before having sex, remember to use a sufficient amount of lubricant to ensure that sex is unimpeded.

6. Proper use of safety tools

It is important to use appropriate security tools.You can use tools such as condoms, contraceptives to ensure your health and safety.Constitution and other tools can not only greatly reduce the risk of transmitting diseases, but also prevent some possible accidents, such as accidental pregnancy.

7. Master the correct posture

It is also important to choose the right posture in your sex activities.You can try different postures to increase interest, but remember not to choose a posture that deepen more than your burden, avoid unnecessary damage.

8. Keep communication at any time

Maintaining communication is very important.Before having sex, make sure you fully understand each other’s needs and desires.In the process of having sex, keep language communication at any time to avoid any doubt or uncoordinated.

9. Pack up after finishing

After finishing, don’t forget to clean up and clean up.This means that you must remember to wash your hands, collect any residues on the ground, and throw away any unwanted contraceptive tools or lubricants.

10. End view

Eating in the kitchen can be a very exciting and interesting experience.As long as you abide by some basic safety and hygiene principles, your male and male sex will become more beautiful and colorful.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com