Taobao cheap sex lingerie shop name

There are many cheap sexy underwear shops on Taobao, but how to find a reasonable and rich style of shops?Here are some recommendations for some Taobao sex lingerie stores I collected. I hope I can give some references for those who want to buy sexy underwear.

1. St. Yiguo underwear

San Yiguo underwear is a shop with a main camp of sexy underwear.It has a lot of underwear styles, European and American styles with a very sexy temperament, as well as cute cartoon styles.In terms of price, the products of St. Yiguo underwear are around 50 yuan to 100 yuan, and the cost performance is very high.Before buying, please look at the customer’s evaluation and make the best choice.

2. Si Rui clothing jacket

Ai Ruiyi underwear is a shop selling sexy underwear, stockings, hanging straps and other women’s underwear.It has more styles and moderate prices.And there are specialized large size styles, suitable for plump women.The after -sales service of Ai Ruiyi underwear is also very good. It is a trusted shop.

3. Happy toy underwear

Happy toy underwear is a comprehensive store for sex products, adult toys, sexy underwear and other products.Its underwear style is relatively rich, as well as auxiliary items, such as milk stickers and underwear vests.The price is also more reasonable, but it should be noted that the postage of happy toy underwear is higher and needs to be borne by itself.

4. Flavor underwear specialty store

Flame underwear specialty store is a shop for the main camp of sexy underwear.There are many types of underwear. In addition to traditional three -point underwear, there are bikinis, slings and other styles.The price is relatively close to the people, and there are often promotional activities.And the after -sales service of the flavor underwear camp is also good, it is trustworthy.

5. Magic Little Black House sexy underwear

Magic Little Black House Sex Lingerie is a clothing shop with sexy lingerie, pajamas, temptation suits, etc.Its sexy underwear is very hot and the value is very high.The price is relatively high, but it is worth it.If you want to buy high -quality sexual erotic lingerie, you can consider this shop.

6. Peach blossoms sexy underwear

Peach blossoms sexy underwear is a shop of the main camp of sexy underwear.Its underwear styles are relatively diverse, including deep V underwear, perspective underwear, stockings, etc.The price is not particularly cheap, but it is not expensive and more moderate.After -sales service is also good, it is a more reliable Taobao sex lingerie shop.


Mei Lan Qingyou Banner Flagship Store is a shop with a specialty of sexy underwear.Its underwear is gorgeous and sexy, and the price is more affordable.Moreover, the after -sales service of the beautiful lingerie flagship store is quite good. If you have any problems with underwear, you can contact customer service at any time.

8. Fantasy seduce sexy underwear specialty store

Fantasy seduce sexy underwear specialty store is a Taobao shop with main camps.It has a lot of underwear styles, sexy styles, and cute styles.And the price is cheaper, suitable for economic affordable customers.After -sales service is also good, you can contact customer service if you have any questions.

9. Red clothes charm and sexy underwear specialty store

The red charm of sexy underwear specialty store is a shop for the main camp of sexy underwear.Its underwear styles are relatively diverse, with black sexy underwear, and sports -style underwear, and the price is relatively close to the people.In terms of after -sales service, the red charm and puzzle of sexy underwear are also very good.

10. Red Night Interesting Underwear Specialty Store

Hongye sex underwear specialty store is a Taobao shop with the main camp of sexy underwear.Its underwear styles are more styles and are relatively favorable, suitable for economic affordable consumers.After -sales service is also better, you can contact customer service in time.

The above is my recommendation of Taobao’s cheap sexy underwear shop.I hope this information will help you.Of course, when buying sexy underwear, you should also pay attention to personal hygiene and comfort, and choose your own size to make healthy wear.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: