Taiwan permanent sexy underwear show Shu Qi

Taiwan permanent sexy underwear show Shu Qi


Interest underwear is a kind of clothing that allows women to increase sexual charm and sexy. Taiwan’s sexy underwear brand has permanently launched a highly anticipated limited edition erotic underwear in 2004. Shu Qi personally put on the participating show.This historic moment has inspired people’s interest in permanent sexy underwear and Shu Qi.Let’s take a look at the reasons, grand conditions and influence of this sexy lingerie show.


The limited edition series of permanent sex lingerie has attracted much attention after its launch. In order to promote the series of products, the brand decides to host a grand erotic underwear show.Because this series of underwear design is inspired by Taiwan culture in China and the West, it is selected in Taiwan.The joining of Shu Qi added more highlights and topics to this show.

Venue and scene

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This sex underwear show was held in SOGO Department Store in Taiwan in 2004, occupying 18 floors of the entire SOGO.The entire venue is exquisitely decorated, red lanterns and decorative decorations with Chinese elements have embellished all places.The scene is very spectacular, attracting the attention of many audiences.

Sexy lingerie style

The biggest feature of this sexy underwear series is bold, sexy, and gorgeous, fully interpreting the unique charm of women.The designer fully considers the beauty of women’s body, and uses various tailoring and fabrics to make the body line more charming.A variety of different sexy underwear appeared on this show, each of which was unique and impressive.

Shu Qi’s performance

As the representative of the permanent sex lingerie show, Shu Qi’s performance is undoubtedly the most noteworthy.Shu Qi appeared on the show in the limited edition style of permanent erotic underwear. Her expression was confident and charming, and every step made people surging.Her performance also added a lot to the entire show.


This sexy lingerie show attracted the attention of many media and audiences.Many people think that the launch of the permanent sex lingerie version series and the holding of this show are a breakthrough and upgrade in the sex underwear market.The participation of Shu Qi made people more impressed with this brand.The atmosphere on the show also makes people feel the infinite possibilities of women’s body beauty.


This sex underwear show played a positive role in promoting the brand building, market expansion and marketing strategies of permanent sexy underwear.At the same time, Shu Qi’s endorsement has further increased the brand awareness and reputation.In addition, this show has injected more innovation and elements into the entire sex underwear industry.

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This sexy lingerie show shows the unique charm of sexy underwear and the beauty of women’s bodies, which has attracted the attention and attention of many audiences.At the same time, it also injected new elements for permanent sexy underwear, the entire sexy underwear market, and the exploration of women’s body beauty.This show has important significance and influence on the sexy underwear industry.